Jun 13, 2019
Getting sick used to feel like a surprise and a train wreck all at the same time. I'd just be going along "perfectly fine" and then wake up one morning groggy and achy, or snotty, or with a sore throat.
"Come on body, WTF?? Work, family, LIFE is waiting. I can't be sick, right now.”
Feeling defeated, I'd call into work or even worse, I'd just push through. As a mom, in my early parenting days, it was usually the latter. We all tend to push through, especially the first day when we think we "just didn't sleep well."
Statistics say that up to 3 million sick days are taken each year. Personally, I'm all for not working so much anyway, but I'd like to feel good when I'm not working.
Read on to find 3 ways to help prevent getting full-on sick and maybe you can turn that sick day into a well day.
I know, I know. Maybe you argue you're always tired. This is a different tired. Like headache-y, full behind the eyes, limbs don't want to leave your side, can't get out of bed tired. You may drink an extra coffee that day, just cuz you feel "off."
Usually, what’s happening is the natural immune response is taking place behind the scenes. Your body is using up all the water and nutrient stores you have to defend against a common bacteria or virus you contacted recently. We get these' “symptoms” of illness because we are depleted a bit in something our body uses to make white blood cells and send out the troops. Read more about that natural inflammation and it’s value and when things go wrong.
What to do: Take your vitamins. If you've been skipping them lately, today's the day to get back to it. Eat light. Drink 60+ ounces of water. Maybe drink bone broth or veggie soup (even if it's 102 degrees outside). Go to bed super early! Like 8:30pm.
Sometimes this can be the only thing that happens as your body naturally takes care of business. Our bodies may be detoxing a virus or something not-so-fresh you ate in the last 48 hours. This is actually a good, healthy sign that your metabolism is working just right.
You might feel constipated for a day or two. Maybe bathroom visits feel more urgent. Take note. This is telling you that your body is working harder or faster to process something that didn’t sit well. It can even be stress or emotional causes. Life does effect our bodies.
What to do: Drink extra water. Take a probiotic (or eat some probiotic foods like kimchi, kombucha, plain yogurt). Eat a nourishing, fresh meal. Again, soups or cooked veggies are a great idea. Note: If you regularly have bowel issues you might a have a food sensitivity. Time to see a health professional.
This might seem obvious, but if you don't normally get headaches, getting one means you may be dehydrated or creating mucous that hasn't surfaced yet. Many people react to weather changes, like incoming storm systems or even overly dry air. When you have an out-of-the-blue headache, ask yourself a few questions. How much water have I had in the last 24 hours? Did I eat overly salty foods (think fast food or Chinese take out) Am I having a hormonal shift?
What to do: REST. Get electrolytes and minerals. Drink tea. Get some easy to assimilate nutrients, from fruits or veggies. Headaches might tell you mental stimulation is really in overdrive. Walk outside, allow some mental space.
I always recommend tracking your food and water intake for 3-5 days when your are aren’t sure where symptoms are coming from. Take a day off from normal life and reset and reconnect.
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