birth freebirth healthcare herbal remedies herbalism home birth plant based plant medicine pregnancy uterus Jul 15, 2019

What do I mean by free uterus? Symptom FREE, Judgement FREE, Worry FREE.

As a sacred carrier of new life, our womb (uterus) demands our attention and respect. In modern history, the womb has lost recognition as the powerful energy center that it is. Anyone who has ever menstruated can tell you it's not just any other day. You are altering your daily life while you bleed and in the days leading up to your "period." During these days we have what the medical model lovingly refers as 'pre-menstrual syndrome'. It including, but is not limited to:

  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Rage
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Achiness
  • Cramps
  • Foggy brain
  • Cravings

It requires MUCH more effort for many women to maintain their regular scheduled household, parenting and work/school responsibilities alike.

One of the patterns I see in women's health is that we are consistently forced to ignore and carry on. Every month. Every cycle. Every hormonal shift. We can reduce our cycles down to “science and physiology”, and we can explain away pesky symptoms with the phrase “hormonal imbalances”.

But we need to love our bodies. We need to understand and fully connect with each phase, and all the changes that occur within them. Now I don't mean you have to take an anatomy and physiology class (although that's not the worst idea), but I am suggesting that we intuitively, emotionally and mentally become aware of how we feel and act at each landmark within our monthly cycles.

The most obvious way to do this would be to take the few moments in the days leading up to your menstruation and the first few days you bleed to rest, mediate and reflect on what thoughts and feelings you experience.

Are you overly angry? Do you want to eat everything chocolate and sweet? Do you get depressed when you watch the news or see a person in pain? Your emotions can't lie, but your brain can spin a story to keep you stuck, feeling the same emotions over and over.

For example, when I was in my last year of college my PMS became worse and I would get very depressed during this week before my period. I never quite understood why or where these feelings originated. Retrospectively, I see that I didn't love my current degree choice, and I felt a little hopeless. I wasn't interested in the corporate-style education I was getting, and I didn't have the knowledge yet of another life direction.

For months I moped and felt sorry for myself, and in turn had pretty painful periods and low energy and mega cravings during my cycles. Once I graduated and started finding more progressive and alternative avenues to use my skills, my body magically started feeling better each period. I also sought out alternative remedies for my allergies, which ultimately led me to be an herbalist.

Now that I've lived this experience, I teach others how to find the ways emotional states effect our bodies and health. I also love helping women find the root cause of what has been ailing them. Many times there's a lifestyle or belief about our body that is directly tied to how our body performs.

Education and self-awareness is so powerful. My mission is to help women find the clues our bodies give us to turn life into an amazing and joyful experience. Every day.

As a midwife and women's herbalist, I feel called to support women in this way before pregnancy, to help ensure they feel even more confident growing a human and birthing easily and freely. A healthy and happy woman will ultimately birth with ease

We can all dive deeper into what is holding us back and begin to shift. Shine a light on your health in my Mind-Body Connection Course.


Let’s change the paradigm together:

for ourselves, for our children and for the wellbeing of our mother earth.

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