Having your home remedy kit stocked for when you are feeling sick, have an accident or have a stressful day can make life so much easier. When are sick or foggy headed, the last thing you want to do i...
Another year and counting without visiting a Western medical doctor.
Despite the multiple times my family and I have had fever and vomiting, we are all alive and our immune systems are stronger. My s...
Show of hands: Who’s been all over, up-and-down, in-and-out, back-and-forth working towards their “optimal health“?
Everyone deals with mysterious or misleading symptoms that lead us to the WebMD and...
During pregnancy, you have to learn so many new things, and you experience many physical and emotional changes. One concern is always the baby's well being during these changes. Many women turn to nat...
Pregnancy can be fun, exciting and joyful. However, women experience a series of rapid changes that can lead to some annoying if not miserable symptom when we haven’t nurtured and nourished ourselves ...