Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler
Spirit Babies: How to Communicate with the child you are meant to have
by Walter Makichen
Misconceptions: Truth, Lies, and the Unexpecte...
In the Untied States approximately only 2.1% of births are happening at home. Why?
In the book Why choose Home Birth by Monika Stone, says “There are numerous quality studies confirming that home bir...
New medicine is emerging. The undercurrent of truth and healing is making it’s way to the shore.
After almost two decades of exploring the inner and outer terrains of life, I feel a deep peace. Disco...
IDEAS // 7 Days of Meals
This is jumping off point. I’m adding a range of options for vegetable focused meals that are satisfying and avoid the main inflammatory triggers for most people.
Get Starte...
A radical connection takes place between women and their power at the moment of birth, the deepening of a human into their true soul and spiritual nature, the undoubtable experience of magic and other...
Born from 9 years of studying and practicing within the midwifery model of care, one of the foundational tenets of my health coaching practice is inspired consistency. Consistency may sound boring and...
The trick to effective smoothies is to keep it simple, 2-3 fruits, a fat, protein and maybe a green item. Here are some of my go-to’s.
- ¼ cup cherries
- ¼ cup blueberries
- ¼ avocad ...
What do I mean by free uterus? Symptom FREE, Judgement FREE, Worry FREE.
As a sacred carrier of new life, our womb (uterus) demands our attention and respect. In modern history, the womb has lost rec...